How can I make a financial contribution to the crib?
We appreciate your interest in joining our efforts to restore The Crib. To join NMLK as a member or to contribute to the Campaign for the Crib, download our membership form here. Once you complete it, just mail it to us (the address is provided on the form). Thank you! North Manitou Light Keepers is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
How can I volunteer my time to help restore the crib?
We are so excited that you want to help! Thank you! Please e-mail us at with VOLUNTEER as the subject or fill out this form and we will add you to our list of volunteers.
I served at the crib as a member of the coast guard and i'd love to tell you my story.
Yes! We are hoping to connect with as many former light keepers as is possible. Please send us a message at and let us know how to contact you or fill out this form. Thank you so much!
When will i be able to tour the crib?
Tours are available annually in June and July. Learn more here.
I'm really concerned with the environment, how will your work impact the Great Lakes?
We share your concern for the health and well-being of the Great Lakes and the surrounding areas. All of our restoration efforts will be done in accordance with guidelines, best practices, regulatory requirements, and our own standards that serve to preserve and protect the environment and natural surroundings of the lighthouse.
i am a member of the press and I would like to do a story about your rehabilitation project.
That's fantastic! We are grateful for the wonderful outpouring of public support we have received so far and would be happy to speak with you. Please send us a message at with PRESS INQUIRY as the subject of your message detailing the nature of your story. Our Press team will do our best to respond within 24-48 hours.
wait, can I ask another question?
Yes! Please send an e-mail message to us at Ask us anything. We will do our best to respond within 24-48 hours. Thank you!